Saturday, March 23, 2013

Teddy Bear Tea Party

I took Marie to a Teddy Bear Tea Party today.  So weird how girls from the same house and same family and same gene pool can like such different things?  Although, Eva spent most of her toddler/preschool years watching me sleep 12 hours/day, lay on the couch, eat, eat and eat while I was baking her siblings.  I'm not sure she saw me use make-up or dress up more than once a year?  Marie has seen that happen much more and she is very into it.  
 She loves it when I do my hair and put on make-up and jewelry... I even wore a dress for this girl!
This picture makes me laugh; the mix of cars with horsies.  I've said it before; If I was going to recommend ONE TOY to buy out of all the toys in our house, it would be these blocks.  Universally used by boys and girls and for many years and activities.  
Something I have definitely gotten better at in Eva's ten years of life: Baking!  Red-velvet cake for this girl.  Appropriate that basketball is on in the background since that's how Chris spent his "paternity leave" when she was born.  
They all slept over.  So well-behaved were all!  (Madeline, Lauren K, Miranda, Eva, Maggie, Liv, Lauren L, and Emma L.)

 This was Eva's first party out of the house.  Last year, the party was in our garage and we chalked and rode bikes and scooters.  This year, we drove through a blizzard at 20 mph to get to Casselton to swim.  They didn't seem to notice that it does not normally take 45 minutes to get to Casselton.  I did!


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