Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brazilian Blowout/ Storm

Here is our trampoline after the storm. You can also see what it did to our shed, and our poor, new little tree.

OK, so these are crappy, uncropped, unfixed pictures, but you get the idea. I had a Brazilian Blowout done by Tammi G/T at InBloom. Above- my hair wash and air dried before.....

My hair washed and air dried, and after a bike ride outside in high humidity.

Above- the back before- air dried.

The back- after- air dried. I still have a few waves. But, NO poof. My hair is not puffy at the moment...and it didn't take me 40 minutes to get it that way.

I was very happy to see one of the last baby toys go to Halle Buckhouse. Marie got one more good bounce out of it for you Halle!

Marie likes to dress herself, even if both legs go through one opening. Not that I'm much better at hair, but she did her own hair as well.

No, I didn't learn how to take good photos. Luckily, I have a neighbor girl, Allison, who is great at it! She took these pics of the kids.

Marie 20 months.

Eva 8.

Luke 3 1/2

Travis 6.

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