Sunday, July 18, 2010

Luke playing the calculator

The two big boys are playing Nintendo DS. Luke ran into Uncle Scott's room and brought out the calculator to play along. OK, he's cute sometimes.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July

The Hanson family: 2010: as photograped by our own, personal photographer: Charles Evens.

The Hanson family: 2003.

The 2010 boat parade. 5 kids, 3 adults, a dog, bloody Mary's, licorice... began the process at 9am.

2003: There's a parade? At 10am? Oh, we're not up that early.

This is how Luke watched every firework, even the smoke bombs.

Party in the kitchen: 2002: Cody Mitchell, Joe Klein, Bill Blotske, Andy Henderson, Chris

Party in the kitchen: 2010: Norah Evens (19 mos), Marie (9mos) and Kirby Quam (7 mos). Bill and Tara's babies, Woodrow and Willow (15 mos), were there partying also.

Travis and Mee-zohs

Marie and Kirby

Our oh-so-cute God-daughter, Norah Louise Evens.

2002: Getting ready for a night out at the lake. Lots of make-up, lots of over-dressedness.
Ginger Neshem Quam and Erika

2010: Getting ready in the evenings? For bedtime? Kirby, Ginger, Erika and Marie

Yes, this is the same girl that threw up in the pool when she was 4 because she was so nervous about swimming: Eva.

Me-me at the pool.

This is the super cute kid that is hanging out with our bunch for the summer: Kendall. She is great to have around. I've suggested trading her for Luke.......

Luke, Travis, Andrew, Marie, Eva and Norah. Great happiness involved with this photo.

Last year, we had this little girl named Eva. This year, we had a big girl named Eva that liked to stay up late, laugh at Chuck swimming all day long while she lounges in the water and shoot fireworks with dad.

Chuck Bless America.

The two kids that liked the fireworks up with mom. Well, Luke liked them muffled.

Oh, so when they are THIS age we will get a picture of all of them together.